We’re Now Offering Dermaplaning!

Smoothe is proud to offer dermaplaning and in celebration of this new service, we’re offering a 20% off special through the end of 2022! Learn more about the treatment below and book an appointment now to try it out.

What Is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a minimally invasive, comfortable, superficial exfoliating treatment. A blade is used to exfoliate the uppermost layers of your skin while also removing fine facial hair.

Dermaplane Tools at Smoothe LLC

Why Should You Book a Dermaplaning Treatment?

  • Your products will penetrate better, in turn yielding faster results
  • Makeup application will be flawless
  • Your skin will be smoothe
  • You will experience advanced exfoliation (especially for rosacea clients)
  • Vellus hair will be removed
  • Dermaplaning is suitable for most skin types (excluding acneic clients, grade III or above)

Skin that is inflamed, peeling, swollen, or bruised can not get this treatment. Anyone who has been on acne medication such as Accutane or Isotretinoin in the last twelve months is also not a good candidate for this treatment. 


Like with some of our other services, recovery varies from person to person. Typically, after treatment, your skin may be slightly pink, but that should subside within a few hours. Please refrain from sweating, steam, exfoliating, and sun right after the service, just like with any other facial. Make sure you are applying SPF as directed as the new skin is easily burned. You may resume your normal activities, apply your skincare products, and makeup 24 hours after service is complete. Please note that products containing active ingredients are going to penetrate the skin deeper, and you may feel a slight tingle or burning sensation upon application.

Try Dermaplaning

If this service sounds like it might be a good fit for you, take advantage of our 20% off special by Dec. 31, 2022!

Book an Appointment